Take the pain out of packing

You’ve found the house of your dreams, had the mortgage agreed and exchanged contracts. The hard work to find your forever home is almost over and the fun of how you’ll decorate, who gets which bedroom, and what you’ll cook for your first family meal in your new kitchen lies ahead!

But wait…there’s just one task you’ve still to overcome before the fun begins….

That’ll be the (not so) small undertaking of packing up and moving out from your existing home! Yes, it may seem like a huge headache awaits, and we won’t sugar-coat the fact that packing up your home isn’t going to happen overnight, however our handy guide of how to pack, should help make the process a whole lot smoother and as pain-free as possible.


1. Start early

When it comes to packing there really is no time like the present. With so many rooms and so many things to go through, packing up can’t be a rushed job. Begin with non-essential items, such as seasonal decorations or sentimental/nostalgic family items, and start in the rooms you need the least, such as the lounge or a games room. Invest in bubble wrap, brown tape, newspaper and of course boxes – you’re going to need lots of them. Hire your removal company and book your moving day(s) off work now too.



The packing process is stressful enough, so do yourself a favour and put some order in place. Pack room by room, rather than packing multiple rooms at once. This will enable you to keep track of what’s what, while also providing a sense of achievement after every room is complete.



Markers and stickers are set to become your best friends. Label up each box, BEFORE, you fill them by writing the contents and intended room on the top and sides of each. Consider using a colour-coding system so each room can be instantly recognised and involve your kids by letting them label and decorate their own boxes, to get them excited about their new bedrooms and distract them from any potential upset about leaving your current home behind.


4.Weight limit

Packing to Move House

Packing is already a pain in the neck, and you don’t want any other pains, such as a bad back from carrying boxes which are too heavy. Avoid the problem by not overfilling boxes and packing heavy items in smaller boxes on their own, this will also prevent boxes bursting or getting crushed. Load heavier boxes into the moving vehicle first, as this will also save any possible breakages.


5.Remember the essentials

Don’t forget to prepare a box for your essentials, so you can access them easily when you finally get to your new house. This could include pyjamas and clothes for the next day, snacks, crockery, mugs, a kettle, towels, toiletries, pet food and of course, tea and coffee!


Good luck with your big pack up and house move!


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