Declutter & organise your home

Now’s the perfect time to declutter your home of everything which has overstayed its welcome. Having a clear out at home can also lead to a more positive mind set and prepare you to take on anything! We have put together our 5 top tips on how to declutter and organise your home.


Tip 1 – Where to start

To begin with it may seem a mammoth task and you’re struggling with where to even start, so keep it simple and just begin with one room. Having a couple of boxes on hand will help you to decide between what to bin, take to charity or re-home to another room in the house. Remember to set time aside for this and not to rush otherwise it could make the process much more stressful.

Tip 2 – Keep it realistic

When clearing out your home you need to decide if you need or use it, then get rid of anything that you don’t.  Most of the time the clutter is in drawers and cupboards, as you have hidden this away out of sight however this means a lot of bits & bobs have built up over time, so being thorough with what you keep is key to decluttering. Keep it simple and if you don’t use it, don’t keep it.

Tip 3 – Create a decluttering check list

Identify the areas around the house you would like to declutter then tackle them one by one, checking them off once they are done.

Moving House Checklist

Tip 4 – Clothes clear out

To help get rid of clothes you no longer wear, hang all of your clothes hangers the opposite way, once the item of clothing has been worn turn the hanger back around to the correct position. A few months in, you’ll be able to see at a glance the clothes that haven’t been worn, so you could bag these up and drop them off at your local charity shop.

Organised Wardrobe

Tip 5 – Storage solutions

Once you are left with everything you want to keep, look at storage ideas to keep everything organised and make the most of the space available, for example little baskets and containers which can fit inside cupboards are ideal for this, if you want to be super organised you can even label them so you know exactly what’s in where.

We hope our tips have helped motivate you to kick start with a BIG declutter!


My favourite homes

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